Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Building Products and Materials (BPM)

Since 1 January 2023, all producers of Building Products and Materials (BPM) in the construction sector are subject to new waste management obligations.

These new obligations are part of an EPR, known as "BPM",introduced by the 2020 AGEC law and require the adhesion to an approved eco-organisation.

Find out more about the battle against waste and circular economy, also known as the "AGEC" law.

The companies concerned must join an approved eco-organisation and pay eco-contributions to it, the rate of which varies according to the nature and volume of the construction waste. These eco-contributions must be declared and must be integrated into the company's information and invoicing systems.

To facilitate the implementation of this new regulation, the eco-organisations have decided to apply eco-contributions for the products concerned, starting with the invoicing of May 2023.

Find out more about eco-contributions

ERP obligations calendar for Building Products and Materials (BPM)

Which companies are concerned by the BPM sector?


⇒ FRENCH DISTRIBUTORS disposing products under their own brands,


♦ Foreign companies bringing products into France for construction and renovation work,

♦ Foreign companies that have a stock of goods in France and resell these products in France:

- The professional client of a building site in France who buys construction products directly from abroad, in order to have them installed on the site,

- The distributor buying construction products abroad.

What products are concerned by the BPM sector?

The sector covers new construction, renovation, extension and deconstruction work for residential, non-residential, agricultural or industrial use.

The products concerned generally include all materials that are intended to be incorporated, installed or assembled permanently in a building or used for the installations related to its use located on its site, including materials/installations related to vehicle parking.

Which are the eco-organisations in charge of the BPM sector?





What are the obligations for the producers of the BPM sector?

► Join one or more of the four eco-organisations specialised in that sector,

► Display their unique identification number (UIN),

► Calculate and invoice eco-contributions on products and materials to their customers,

► Periodically pay these eco-contributions to the chosen eco-organisation.


RM Boulanger can support and assist your company in the periodic management of these eco-contributions and in particular:

  • Carry out an audit of your flows and your obligations in terms of eco-contributions,
  • Determine which of your products are subject to these eco-contributions,
  • Assist you in joining the relevant eco-organisations,
  • Assist you in the event of a control of an eco-organisation,
  • Ensure the consistency of your declarations and review them annually,
  • Filing periodic declarations of your eco-contributions,
  • Regularise past operations,
  • Be your company's point of contact with the eco-organisations,
  • Acting as the fiscal representative for taxpayers who are not established in France.

Contact RM BOULANGER to find out more about our services and how we can help you!

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Overseas Referral Network -Department for Business and Trade