
What is an

Find out what the different eco-contributions are, how they are collected as a tax and whether your 
company is affected or not.

♻️ An eco-contribution, also known as an environmental contribution, is an amount added to the price of a product to compensate for the environmental impacts related to its manufacturing, distribution or disposal.

♻️ The eco-contribution can be applied to a variety of products, such as electronics, household appliances, vehicles, batteries and accumulators, chemicals, packaging, lamps, furniture, and many others.

♻️ This eco-contribution is paid in full by the producers to the eco-organisations.

The amount of the eco-contribution is determined based on the quantity and nature of the materials used in the production of the product, as well as its overall environmental impact.

What RMB can do for you regarding Eco-Contributions 

RM Boulanger can support and assist your company in the periodic management of these eco-contributions and in particular :

 Carry out an audit of your flows and your obligations in terms of eco-contributions.
 Determine which of your products are subject to these eco-contributions.
 Assist you in joining the relevant eco-organisations.
 Assist you in the event of a control of an eco-organisation.
 Ensure the consistency of your declarations and review them annually.
 Filing periodic declarations of your eco-contributions.
 Be your company's point of contact with the eco-organisations.
 Acting as the fiscal representative for taxpayers who are not established in France.


Do you have questions about how RMB can help your business? Send us an email and we’ll get 
in touch with you shortly, our VAT experts are always happy to help. You can also contact us by 
phone: +33 3 20 25 70 70.

Book your call with our experts

You can book a call with one of our experts to assess your fiscal situation

We offer a first check up for free, no obligations attached

Book an appointment


Vous avez des questions sur la manière dont RMB peut aider votre entreprise ? 
Envoyez-nous un courriel et nous vous contacterons rapidement. 
Nos experts en TVA sont toujours heureux de vous aider. Vous pouvez également nous contacter par 
téléphone : +33 3 20 25 70 70.

Réservez votre appel avec nos experts

Vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous avec l'un de nos experts pour évaluer votre situation fiscale.

Nous vous proposons un premier bilan gratuit, sans engagement de votre part.

Prendre un rendez-vous