E-commerce news oss ioss

The simplification of VAT obligations for e-commerce is all about the possibility of using an electronic portal called "one-stop-shop" to file VAT on all sales.

However, the reform is not limited to this simplification:

  • Certain VAT obligations are transferred from sellers to marketplaces, impacting the seller's VAT obligations;
  • A new VAT regime is created for distance sales of imported goods.

The question remains as before, whether you warehouse goods in a particular country of the European Union will have an impact on the vendors VAT obligations. Facing these new rules, we strongly advise to map the flow of sales to determine your new VAT obligations.

Is your business ready for 1 July 2021?

"I am an e-vendor and I sell to private customers (B2C sales) in the European Union" Read more ...

“MOSS becomes OSS - Simplification of VAT declaration due on intra-EU distance sales. " Read more…

"Creation of a new IOSS ('Import One Stop Shop') window for distance sales in the EU of imported goods. " Read more…

"Case studies: You are an EU-based company selling BtoC in several EU countries. Your total turnover from these sales is greater than € 10,000. " Read more…

"Case studies: You are a non-EU company selling BtoC in several EU countries. You are affected by the new e-commerce VAT regime regardless of the turnover, from the first euro. " Read more…

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