Eco Contributions
Is your business concerned by the various obligations linked to eco-contributions?
Are you concerned ?
The person liable for payment varies according to the situation.
These eco-contributions apply to each product concerned by one of the recovery channels and placed on the French market by producers, who are natural or legal persons who, on a professional basis :
- either manufacture in France, import or introduce, assemble,
- for the first time on the national market of concerned products,
- intended to be sold to the end user by any means or to be used directly on the national territory.
Important: In the case where products are sold under the sole brand name of a reseller, the reseller is considered to be the marketer. This is particularly the case for private labels.

Why trust us with the management of your eco-contributions?
The different regulations and declaration procedures are constantly evolving and are becoming more and more complex.
The financial weight of the contributions, the regulatory changes and the complexity of the procedures are all elements that make it necessary to have a real understanding of the subject.
Trust our experts to ensure that your costs are under control and to avoid financial penalties.
We can act on your behalf for past, present and future operations!
We are committed to ensuring your declarations are in accordance with the regulations and legislations in place. We can also become the main point of contact with the various eco-organisations to which you belong.

Do you have questions about how RMB can help your business? Send us an email and we’ll get
in touch with you shortly, our VAT experts are always happy to help. You can also contact us by
phone: +33 3 20 25 70 70.
Book your call with our experts
You can book a call with one of our experts to assess your fiscal situation
We offer a first check up for free, no obligations attached

Vous avez des questions sur la manière dont RMB peut aider votre entreprise ?
Envoyez-nous un courriel et nous vous contacterons rapidement.
Nos experts en TVA sont toujours heureux de vous aider. Vous pouvez également nous contacter par
téléphone : +33 3 20 25 70 70.
Réservez votre appel avec nos experts
Vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous avec l'un de nos experts pour évaluer votre situation fiscale.
Nous vous proposons un premier bilan gratuit, sans engagement de votre part.