“The value of a thing is
what that thing will bring”
Companies can benefit from the import VAT deferment. As a result import VAT does not have to be paid
anymore and can be accounted in a French VAT return.
Businesses importing goods in France from non EU countries used to pay VAT in advance to their customs brokers. Even if import VAT was fully deductible, this process was not very favourable from a cashflow prospective.
Since January 2022: impossible to import goods into France without a French VAT number
Since 1 January 2022 onwards, the VAT due on imports is no longer collected by the French customs Authorities and is automatically reverse charged on the taxpayer’s French VAT returns. Import VAT as result, is not payable anymore to your French Customs brokers.
This reverse charge mechanism is certainly very beneficial for businesses as it allows to avoid heavy and costly pre-funding of import VAT. However all companies who act as the importers of records in France have to obtain a valid VAT French number and file VAT declarations to be allowed to import goods into France and benefit from this system.

Companies who are eligible to the Import VAT deferment are :
Foreign companies, whether they are established or not in the EU. They will have the obligation to register for VAT in France.
Companies from French overseas territories and regions (DROM). If they do not already have a French valid VAT number, they will be automatically assigned one by the French Tax Authorities,
French companies. As they already have a French VAT number they will automatically benefit from the Import VAT deferment,
Le montant de TVA dû à l'importation (auto liquidé) est pré-rempli par l'administration fiscale sur la déclaration de TVA française le 14 de chaque mois. Pour cette raison, les entreprises redevables de la TVA à l’importation ne peuvent plus déposer la déclaration de TVA avant cette date. Ce montant doit être vérifié et éventuellement rectifié, puis la déclaration de TVA doit être déposée au plus tard le 24 de chaque mois (qui suit le mois des importations).
Vous êtes concerné si :
- Vous importez des marchandises en France et les vendez sur le territoire national à des clients français,
- Vous importez des marchandises en France et les expédiez à des clients basés dans d'autres États membres de l'UE (hors régime 4200).
Vous n'êtes pas concerné si vous importez des marchandises sous le régime douanier 4200 par l'intermédiaire d'un mandataire fiscal ponctuel.
- Contactez au plus vite nos équipes et demandez un numéro de TVA intracommunautaire. À titre indicatif, ce processus prend généralement environ 3 mois.
- Discutez avec RMB d’une éventuelle application du régime 4200 et de son rôle en tant que mandataire fiscal ponctuel en France.
Veuillez noter que ce mécanisme n'est applicable qu'aux marchandises importées en France et ensuite vendues ou expédiées dans n'importe quel pays de l'UE autre que la France. Si vos opérations sont éligibles au régime 4200, vous utiliserez le numéro de TVA dédié de RMB et n'aurez pas l'obligation de vous immatriculer à la TVA en France.
Ce mécanisme peut être utilisé au long terme par les entreprises qui ne vendent jamais de biens à des clients français. Si votre entreprise vend des biens à des clients français et européens, le régime 4200 peut être une solution provisoire intéressante avant l'immatriculation de votre entreprise en France.
The amount of VAT due on importation (auto-liquidated / reverse charged) is pre-filled by the tax authorities on the VAT return in France on the 14th of each month. For this reason, it is not be possible to file the VAT return before this date (companies with imports are concerned). This amount must be verified and possibly corrected, and then the VAT return must be filed no later than the 24th of each month (which follows the month of imports).
You are concerned if :
You import goods into France and sell them domestically to French clients,
You import goods into France and sell them to clients who are based in other EU Member States (except regime 42).
You are not concerned if : You import goods under customs regime 4200 through a limited tax representative.
Get in touch as soon as possible with our teams and apply for a French VAT number. For your guidance this process usually takes around 3 months.
Discuss with RMB if they can act as your limited tax representative in France and use the regime 4200 arrangements.
Please note this mechanism is only applicable to goods that are being imported into France and subsequently sold or dispatched in any EU country but not in France after import customs. If your operations are eligible to the regime 42 arrangements, you will use RMB’s Global VAT number and would not have the obligation to register for VAT in France. This mechanism can be used on a long term basis for companies who never sell goods to French clients,
If your company sells goods to both French and other EU clients, regime 4200 can be an interesting provisional solution before your company gets registered in France.
If you want more information about this topic or if you plan to have imports of goods on French territory, please feel free to contact our experts. Also, do not hesitate to contact us about similar possibilities in Belgium, Netherlands or other EU-countries that provide these kind of advantages to non-resident businesses.

Do you have questions about how RMB can help your business? Send us an email and we’ll get
in touch with you shortly, our VAT experts are always happy to help. You can also contact us by
phone: +33 3 20 25 70 70.
Book your call with our experts
You can book a call with one of our experts to assess your fiscal situation
We offer a first check up for free, no obligations attached

Vous avez des questions sur la manière dont RMB peut aider votre entreprise ?
Envoyez-nous un courriel et nous vous contacterons rapidement.
Nos experts en TVA sont toujours heureux de vous aider. Vous pouvez également nous contacter par
téléphone : +33 3 20 25 70 70.
Réservez votre appel avec nos experts
Vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous avec l'un de nos experts pour évaluer votre situation fiscale.
Nous vous proposons un premier bilan gratuit, sans engagement de votre part.