Are you affected by the new
plastic tax in Spain?
In Spain, a new tax on non-reusable plastic packaging came into effect on 1 January 2023.
The aim is to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the country and to adopt more sustainable consumption habits.
This tax concerns the following non-reusable plastics :
► Non-reusable plastic containers.
► Semi-finished plastic products intended for the production of non-reusable plastic packaging.
► Plastic products intended to allow the closure, trading or presentation of the non-reusable containers.
The contribution is due according to the weight of non-reusable plastics and its rate is 0.45 EUR /KG.
Products containing more than one material will be taxed exclusively based on the weight of the non-recycled plastic they content.
This has major implications because it does not only affect companies involved in the production or distribution of packaging in Spain, but it also applies to all importers or intra-Community purchasers of plastic packaging.
It is important that you are aware of this new tax and take the necessary steps to comply with it.
Some non-reusable packaging can be excluded from the tax. However, only a case-by-case analysis of the packaged products will confirm this.
This is the reason why it is important to be able to classify your packaging accurately, to know its composition and weight.
It is recommended to keep a tracking record in order to be able to provide evidence in the event of an inspection by the Spanish authorities.
So, is your business concerned by this new plastic tax ?
RM Boulanger can assess your situation and assist you with the following services:
► Analysis of your operations in relation to the plastic tax,
► Verification of your company's liability to this tax,
► Registration of your company with the relevant authorities,
► Correspondence with the Spanish Authorities.
If you have any questions regarding this plastic tax or VAT registration in Spain, get in touch with us today so we can provide you with the best solution for your business!