New European Regulation regarding the posting of drivers within the EU

New European Regulation regarding the
posting of drivers within the EU

A new European regulation concerning the posting of drivers within the EU will come into effect on February 2, 2022.

This implies significant changes in the management of drivers posted in Europe, namely:

  • Posting of drivers on French territory will no longer take place via the French SIPSI website, but via the European IMI platform.
    This one-stop shop will make it possible to declare postings throughout the EU territory:
  • Within this platform, the appointment of a local representative will no longer be required. In the event of an inspection, the documents will need to be transmitted by the companies directly via their access on the IMI platform.

From February 2, 2022 onwards, the SIPSI secondment certificates currently in progress will no longer be valid.
Companies will have to re-declare their drivers posted in Europe via the IMI platform, which has been active since January 25, 2022.

RMB remains at your disposal for more information on the preparation and transmission of posted driver declarations via the IMI platform.

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