Ecologic taxes and contributions

Eco–taxes are evolving

The AGEC law, on the fight against waste and in the benefit of the circular economy, of 10 February 2020 has created new EPR categories (Extended Producer Responsibility) and has extended the scope of some existing ones.

It results in the creation of new eco-contributions for products that are part of these categories.

In order to comply with the new obligations and pay the eco-taxes, the concerned manufacturers will be able to contact new eco-organizations, the terms of which have yet to be determined.

New eco-organizations will be created, specifically ALCOME and VALOBAT, for tobacco products and the construction industry.


The creation of this eco-organization is consecutive to the creation of an EPR category for tobacco products.

This EPR organisation forces tobacco manufacturers and distributors to take financial responsibility for the management of waste resulting from the cigarette market.


Its mission: take the responsibility for the resumption of waste, the collection, the development of recycling organisms in the construction industry in exchange for the payment of the eco-contribution.

Find out more about ecologic taxes and contributions here.

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